Postgres, I think I got it

My DBMS of choice is Postgres. I have been using it for the last three years and every time I discover some internal parts which are quite amazing and unique foe Postgres(jsonb index support,materialized views,prepared transactions you name it ). This blog post is some sort of a cheetsheet on How Postgres works internally Without going too deep into implementation details. If you wanna go deeper then search for highlighted keywords in the official Postgres documentation . Everything I will cover here is related to Postgres 12. Also I am not a Postgres developer and everything I will describe here is based on my understanding gained from Blog posts and documentation. I can easily make mistakes so don't hesitate to mention it so I can improve this post. Okay , Let's start.

Tom & Jerry by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera

Where is my data Dude ?

Let's start with data. Where Postgres stores databases and tables? If you doesn't set an environmental variable $PGDATA then your Database Cluster is stored in /var/lib/postgresql/12/main. Cluster is a collection of databases managed by Postgres(cluster in the context of Postges is not a cluster of separate servers) . Single database is a collection of database objects(tables,indexes,views...). It's stored under the base directory If you go inside of the base directory you will see a list of numbered sub folders. Those are database object ids( OIDS ). Every folder here represents a database. Let's say I have a database called test . If I run this query using psql , I can get an associated OID of this database.
SELECT datname, oid FROM pg_database WHERE datname = 'test';
In my case this number was 16384 . Check if you have a folder with this number inside the base directory(in your case this number will be different). Now let's cd into folder with this number and you will see a bunch of files. Some of them have suffixes _fsm,_vm. We will talk about those files later. Other files(without suffixes) are labeled using numbers. Every file without a suffix is a separate table. Let's check it. In my test database I have a table called users . Let's see which file is associated with this table.
\connect test;
SELECT relfilenode FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'users';

In my case it's 17178 . So the file with this number is my users table. The data in this file is stored as a list of 8Kb long pages. Every page contains 3 main parts

  1. List of tuples - actual data in table rows .
  2. Line pointers - each pointer contains a file offset to the start of the tuples.
  3. Headers - General information about the page to be used by WAL. Also it contains ID of transaction that created or deleted this tuple(it's used by MVCC)
Page physical representation

For me it was confusing, what if a table stores a huge BLOB of data in the row ,how would it fit into 8 Kb Page. The answer is TOAST . When value is big enough and data type has a variable length(such as a length of a string) then the actual column is stored out of the tuple, and tuple has a pointer to this value. I really recommend you to read this presentation about TOAST HERE.

Multiversion concurrency control

Now Let's talk about how different transactions read these pages concurrently.
Firstly , there are could be multiple versions of the same row at the same point of time. How could we distinguish these versions from each other ? Every row has two hidden fields which indicate a creation time(xmin) and deletion time(xmax). When row is created it's xmin is set to transaction id of the transaction that performed the INSERT, when row is deleted it's xmax is set to transaction ID that performed DELETE or UPDATE. Yes, technically when transaction performs UPDATE then row's xmax is set to transaction ID and new row is created whose xmin is set to transaction ID. Transaction ID? Every database transaction has a unique identifier which is just a 32 byte integer which is incremented every time a new transaction is created.
Secondly,every transaction has a state such as committed,aborted,or in progress. These states are stored in PGDATA/pg_xact file. Two bites are allocated for every transaction - committed or aborted.
Finally let's talk about visibility. When transaction tries to read a row it has to check the following conditions.

  1. Read xmin of the row and check from pg_xact file if transaction with this xmin id was completed
  2. If transaction was completed was it committed if yes then this row is visible(technically it also depends on isolation level ,as an example repeatable read won't see a row with committed xmin if xmin is bigger than current transaction's ID,while read committed will )
  3. If transaction with row's xmin is aborted then this row is not visible

So we have multiple versions of the same row and at some point of time some of those versions won't be valid, however they still allocate a physical space . In oder to clean up this space, the process called VACUUM is used.


So what Vacuum does? It vacuums away dead tuples and references from indexes to these tuples. Vacuum doesn't clean up the physical space. Instead , it stores dead tuple locations in Free Space Map or FSM(remember I told you about files with suffixes, the ones with _fsm suffix are Free Space Map). When new tuple is gonna be inserted it will override the physical space occupied by dead tuple using FSM(let's say you have dead tuples in the end of the table file, in this case these space will be cleaned and returned to Operating system check out this research to understand how it works HERE). However , scanning whole table is expensive that is why another data structure is used to speed up this process called Visibility Map or VM (remember files with _vm suffix). Visibility map works in the same way as pg_xact. It stores boolean bite for every page in the table. This bite indicate if this page has dead tuples. If it doesn't then Vacuum skips this page. Also Vacuum cleans references to dead tuples from indexes. However, and this is important, it doesn't clean up index space. So if you have a table with a lot of deletes or updates, it's better to recreate indexes cause index still occupies physical space with a references to dead tuples even though they won't be used during the index scan. Lastly , Vacuum does one really important thing called freezing. In order to understand what it means we have to return to transaction ID. As I said transaction ID is 32 byte number, what's gonna happen when there is now available number in this range for new transaction(2^32 is reached) ? In this case transaction wrap around will happen and ID counter will start from zero again. It's a little bit confusing because new transaction with ID 1 will think that transaction with id 2^32 is in the future. It will break visibility rules and in order to avoid it Vacuum does a freezing. Vacuum finds pretty old tuples which are visible to all transactions and mark them as frizzed which means it doesn't matter which xmax this row has , it will be visible to all transactions. Freezing is the main reason why long transactions is a bad idea. Before freezing old transactions Vacuum has to make sure there is no transaction that works with these pages. If you open a transaction and forgot to finish it, Vacuum will wait forever so don't forget to set up transaction max age time in your pg_conf file(by default transactions don't have a time out limit)

WAL or Durability

And the last thing I want to mention is WAL or Write Ahead Log. First of all working with disk directly is a really expensive it terms of time. RAM and CPU caches are much faster , that is why , When you execute queries the values are read or written to data structure called Buffers which are stored in RAM. Every insert is firstly stored in this buffers and following updated will change Buffer's value. However in order to survive server crashes , Postgres can't blindly store everything in RAM. Therefore, along with data changes ,the log with these changes is maintained. When we update the value in Buffer Cache we also insert a new record to this log. This log is append only so it's much faster than Random disk write. In case of failure , Postgres can replay WAL in order to store consistent data in the disk. WAL is stored on disk as files in the $PGDATA/pg_wal directory , each file is 16Mb and if it's full a new file will be created. Don't worry , commits are also WAL logged so aborted transaction won't be replayed.


During recovery , the process called postmaster will read all rows from WAL files and execute them one by one . However , let's say we have 10 WAL files each 16 Mb long, the recovering process will be really long so we need a way to speed up recovery and this way is called CHECKPOINTS
During Checkpoints, Postgres should flush the data from buffers to disk . When all dirty buffers(dirty means buffers that store inserts and updates) are flushed to disk the checkpoint is considered to be completed. In this case when postmaster does a recovery , it skips all WAL rows created prior to Checkpoint. The WAL mechanism is a really powerful and it's also used during Postgres Replication. Let's say you have a long analytical queries that take hours to complete. These transactions will reduce the speed of other small transactions. In order to avoid it , the easiest way is just run small transactions against main Postgres instance(master), and setup another postgres instance(slave), then stream WAL changes from master to slave so slave will have an up to date information and can be used in order to performer heavyweight analytical queries.


Now when we know a little bit about processes let's see how it looks in reality


There are 6 processes that run along with main Postgres process

  1. checkpointer - periodically runs checkpoints to save changes from dirty pages to disk
  2. background writer - I didn't cover it because it works in the same way as checkpointer, flushes dirty pages to disk ,check documentations to understand why Postgres uses two processes to do it
  3. walwriter - writes data to append only log files
  4. autovacuum - periodically runs vacuum process
  5. statscollector - collect performance and usage statistics such as IO performance and usage of every table in database
  6. logical replication launcher - the process that pushes logical changes from master to listeners,I didn't cover it because replication topic is big enough for a separate blog


Postgres is a wonderful database which has a huge variety of use cases. It can be used as a NoSQL database with an excellent jsonb support. Also you can use it as a TimeSeries(checkout TimeScaleDb) database. Spend some time and checkout Postgres Documentation because it's a great example how documentation should be written, I have never seen such a great explanation of complex internals as in Postgres Documentation. I wanna thank Egor Rogov for his excellent blog series about Postgres in Habr(also he answered some of my questions related to Transaction Isolation so I'm really grateful he spent time explaining those concepts). Also I highly recommend you to take a look at this blog series about Postgres Internal by Hironobu SUZUKI that helped me a lot to understand internal data structures used be Postgres.
Thanks for your time !