So why do we need a volatile keyword

Most of the time I am working on a highload JVM based backends and for sure I know the keyword volatile. If you google the meaning , then probably you would find something related to caching. I did too, and it didn't satisfy my curiosity ,so I had to go deeper, way deeper. So why not share my findings here so curious readers can get a better view on the concurrent nature of Java.

Tom Reads book
Tom & Jerry by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera

It starts with caches

Before explaining what volatile does it would be better to understand what problem it solves in the first place. Let's start with a small code sample

class Counter{    
     private int cnt
     public void increment(){ 
     public int get(){
          return this.cnt

Straight forward counter that allows you to get and increment the number. But what's going on in terms of CPU ? The silicon mafia ships around 4 CPU cache levels between CPU and RAM. First level is located as close to the CPU as possible and usually has the smallest size(around 16 kilobytes). The most frequently used variables are stored there. Each next level has a bigger size but has a higher access time than each previous level. Moreover, nowadays most hardware is shipped with multiple CPU Cores. CPU cores which may or may not share the same CPU caches. Other than that, each CPU has its own registers. CPU Register is a unit of storage that is accessed primarily by instructions that directly refer to it by name(for example R0 or register 0) Now let's return to the example above that performs a simple increment this.cnt++. To read a single variable means to check if it's present in CPU level 1 cache, most probably it isn't there if we just started the program. Next, the second level cache has to be checked and so on. In a Single Core environment the process would end here and Cpu will have to load the variable from RAM. Just for you to understand the latency it takes for CPU to check each individual cache and RAM here is the nice diagram.

Tom Reads book
Latency diagram taken from Github

1 ns for level 1 Cache read versus 100 ns for RAM read, looks impressive, isn't it ? . However, for Multi-CPU systems things become more complicated. Before incrementing the counter, CPU has to ask other cores using system bus whether they have a modified version of this counter in their own caches. If one CPU comes back and says , yes I do, then all cores have to be synchronized with this modified counter(some hardware producers actually make it possible to read this value directly from system bus which eliminate the path through main memory). Now CPU can increment the counter.One thing that I misunderstood is that this variable has to be flushed to main memory after each synchronization which isn't correct(will talk about it later). There is a thing called MESI(I know what you think, but it's another Mesi). It's a cache coherence protocol that basically represents the states that a cached variables can have

  • Modified - M. The cache line present only in the current cache, and it was modified
  • Exclusive - E. The cache line present only in the current cache, and it wasn't modified
  • Shared - S. The cache line may be stored in other Core's caches. But all of them matches the value from Main memory
  • Invalid - I. When Cache line was marked as Modified(M) or Exclusive(E), the copies of this variable in other caches will be marked as invalid

MESI makes all caches to be coherent.

So now let's google a volatile keyword in Java and the first example you will encounter covers volatile boolean variable

public class StoppableTask extends Thread {
  private boolean pleaseStop;

  public void run() {
    while (!pleaseStop) {
      // do some stuff...

  public void tellMeToStop() {
    pleaseStop = true;

We have a Thread(first) that does some job in an infinite loop, and then let's assume that another Thread from completely different Core calls tellMeStop that will change the value of boolean variable which will stop the infinite loop the first thread is running . If you don't declare this variable as volatile ,then the first Thread can cache this boolean variable in CPU cache and reread it from there, the thing that another thread changes the variable won't affect the first thread because the variable will still be read from local cache. That's how most articles explain the volatile keyword, use it or otherwise Thread will cache the variable. But wait, didn't I just told you about this MESI thing and that CPU can't modify variable unless all other copies are synchronized ? How is it even possible that Thread can cache a value with a cache coherence protocol? That's why I was confused, and it took me a while to get an answer so here it is. The thing is,it's not even about CPU caches, it's about CPU registers. When you compile and run your Java application , javac and then JIT makes a completely valid assumption that your program will be executed in a single Threaded environment. As a result, the compiler can make a really great optimization. Let's take a look at the class above after compilation

public class StoppableTask extends Thread {

  public static void main(String[] argc){
       new StoppableTask().run();
  private boolean pleaseStop = false;

  public void run() {
    while (true) {
      // do some stuff...

  public void tellMeToStop() {
    pleaseStop = true;

Compiler is smart enough to see that main thread doesn't call tellMeStop which means there is no way a boolean variable can be modified. This variable will then be stored in the CPU Register. CPU register is not the same as CPU cache, it's a small storage which is located Within the CPU. The access from this storage in much faster than reading from CPU cache.

But what if we are in a multithreading environment? Still, even if an application uses multiple threads, compiler is allowed to make an assumption that those threads won't communicate with each other using Object variables so each Thread is allowed to create a local copy of every Object/primitive they are working with and store them in CPU registers where those threads are running. Remember, all caches are coherent but CPU registers are not. If thread writes something to a variable and it happens that this variable is still inside of a CPU register then there is no way other Threads which are running on different CPUs will see the change. Is there a way to prevent the compiler storing this variable in the Register ? Yes , and it's volatile


So now when you know what MESI is, what is a CPU Register and how the program works within multiple Cores , let's talk about volatile. The volatile keyword is nothing more than telling compiler that storing variable in the Register is prohibited. If thread wants to read a variable it has to read it from cache(unless the variable isn't there in which case Main memory would be involved), if Thread wants to modify the variable then it has to write it back to the CPU cache where it was stored and then MESI will synchronize caches from other CPU Cores. Ok, so what If you annotate all variables as volatile in a single threaded program ? As I said , the Thread won't be able to store the variable in the Registers but there is another problem. Volatile in Java has another property which prevents instruction reordering.

public class Reordering  {
  private int foo;
  private int bar;

  public void run() {;;;

Let's look at the code above.For a moment , forget about CPU registers. Two variables are incremented sequentially, in terms of a processor, foo will be loaded into the cache and incremented by one, but let's say the cache is full now(which is not , remember level 1 cache is 16 kb and there are different cache levels, but let's pretend we can only save one int in the cache) and CPU can't load bar into the cache so OS decided to flush foo back to main memory. Then bar was loaded and incremented by two and again, we can't load foo into the cache to increment it by two because bar occupied entire cache size so it has to be flushed. It involves a lot of rounds between RAM and CPU caches. Can we make it better ? Of course , compiler will reorder your instructions to make it faster.

public class Reordering  {
  private int foo;
  private int bar;

  public void run() {;;

So foo will be loaded only once and be incremented by 3 in one instruction.Because for single threaded program it doesn't matter whether you increment foo by 3 in one instruction or with two separate ones, the end result is the same. However, for multithreading programs it's not the case. If compiler reorder instructions the second thread can see the following state entering the method {foo = 3, bar = 0} which doesn't make any sense if you look at the source code. So the second property of volatile apart from visibility is preventing instruction reordering

public class Reordering  {
  private volatile int foo;
  private int bar;

  public void run() {;//can't be reordered;;

So to answer the previous question, volatile in single threaded environment will prevent reordering which will make your program slower, so my advice is , do not use it as long as you don't use multithreading

Happens Before

Apart from volatile there are other ways to make changes from one thread to be visible to others . All these ways are combined into a set rules called Happens-Before guarantee. Let's take a look at some of them

  • Synchronized block/method - All writes inside of a synchronized method/block will be visible to another Thread that starts executing this block/method
    public class SyncBlock  {
      private int first;
      private int second;
      public void synchronized doSmth() {
      }//after exiting, both variables will be visible to all threads that will run enter this block
  • All write to volatile variables happens before read from this volatile variable. And this one is handy because it also works for all nonvolatile writes that happened before write to a single volatile variable
    public class VolatileWrite  {
      private volatile int first;
      private int second;
      public void doSmth() {
           // second thread will see updated version of both variables because incrementing
          // first counter happened right before an increment of volatile varaible
  • All writes happened before Thread.start() will be visible to newly created Thread
    public class ThreadVisibility  {
        private static int counter= 0;
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
            new Thread(()->{
               //Second Thread will see a modified counter even
              //if both threads will be executed by different Cores
            }, "Second Thread");

False Sharing

When I described the MESI protocol, I was talking about this thing called a cache line. The thing is , CPU doesn't load data from RAM in terms of variables, it loads data in terms of cache lines. Each cache line represents a contiguous list of memory with predefined size(for example on Intel architecture the cache line is 64 bytes). False sharing is when different variables lie on the same cache line. The False Sharing is a source of performance degradation. So hoes does it look like ?

public class FalseSharing  {
    private volatile long firstCnt = 0;
    private volatile long secondCnt = 0;

    public void methodThatRunOnSecondThread(){

    public void methodThatRunOnFirstThread(){

Let's take a look at the code snipped above. We have a class with two long variables, both of them are volatile. The instance of this class will take up to 32 bytes(8*2=16 bytes for two long variables, plus 12 bytes for object metadata plus the alignment to 8 bytes). Now we have two Threads running on different cores each calling a method that increments a single counter. So without cache lines it will work the following way:

  • First thread cached firstCnt in Level 1 cache and started incrementing it
  • Second thread cached secondCnt in Level 1 cache of another CPU core and started incrementing it

However, CPU works in terms of cache lines and because the instance of a class takes only 32 bytes, it will fit into a single cache line(which is 64 bytes). So now let's see how both Threads will work with same cache line. First thread updates the first counter, but because second variable is stored on the same cache line MESI has to update cache of the second Core and same will happen when second thread updates the second variable. It's a big problem which literally kills the performance because it involves a lot of IO between different Cores. How do we deal with it ? Of course using annotations

False sharing
System bus reads cache line from RAM into L1 cache

Meet @Contended

In order to solve the problem above we can put one counter into a separate cache line, but counter is a long, and it only takes 8 bytes. To deal with it, we can annotate the property of class as @Contended so the single variable will occupy the whole cache line and with wasted space

public class FalseSharing  {

    @Contented private volatile long firstCnt = 0;
    private volatile long secondCnt = 0;

    public void methodThatRunOnSecondThread(){

    public void methodThatRunOnFirstThread(){

In this case , firstCnt will lie in a separate cache line from a secondCnt and so each Thread can work on it's counter without having to synchronized with one another

Each counter lies on a different cache line.


I hope that now readers can understand what's going on at a hardware level and how some compiler optimization can ruin the correctness of a program execution. JVM is a great platform that encapsulates all kind of complicated things related to hardware, however, in order to understand performance degradation of your app it's obligatory to understand how these things work on bare metal. CPU caches solve the gap between the fast CPU and slow main memory , and data structures which are nicely aligned in cache lines will always benefit from caching . Or as was said by Scott Meyers "Show me your fancy data structure, and I promise , simple array will be faster". One thing I want to mention is that JVM specification doesn't talk in terms of CPU caches or registers. It specifies the semantics based on an abstract machine. It's up to the Java Runtime Environment to execute the code on a concrete machine in such a way, that it fulfils the specification There are some resources I found useful related to CPU cache in terms of Hardware and how JVM works with them. Check them out